Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Finnaliiii its overrr !

God heard my cry i guess my loan application has finally been approved ! Thankiu GOD ! YOUR AWESOME ! sorry for cussing at everyone throughout the period of applying my loan...To the ones who have helped me thankiu for your time, effort and money :) appreciate it !

Gracia's everyone !

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where'd You Go ???

Falling in love with you when you were that sweetest person was the right thing to do, but still being in love with the person you have become is becoming harder.

You would also fight for me, but now it doesn't matter anymore ? why ? are you that sure that i wont turn away from you just because i gave you my word or the enormous amount of love that i show you everyday ? I'm trying to keep my love for you strong but i just cant help feeling its not going to last for long. I fear this sweetheart, and your not helping this feelings go away...

You are showing that I'm no more your priority like i use to be ? you don't see me often but why do i feel like you chasing me away every time we meet ?

Every time you say "i love you" i smile but deep down i cant believe those words much....

I missed the old you... but i cant force you to be someone your not right ? its up to you to decide, its your life to...

Friday, December 17, 2010

So called fat body ?? get a life...

Humans can be stupid sometimes, not being rude or what but girls, im sorry to say that some of you are so effin annoying ! Your not fats so stop whining and saying your fat when your not ! your stick thin and you say your fat ? its annoying and just plain dum for educated people like you guys to say. If thats a way for you guys to let people praise you and say you have a smoking body, you need to slap cause someone might just say go to hell, and i promise you i would be one of them.....just be gratefull woth what you have.

You wanna see fat ? i wil show you fat ! so stop saying your fat, and pretending to diet and stuff cause no one CARES !

Yummm !

Well i cant say its, but it maybe for other people but anyways its chocolate it can do wonders to people and thats why it drives me crazy when i dont have it in high dosage ;p


Touching my stuff wothout asking is someything no one should do, cause i get super pissed when someone does it..i dont know how stupid you are but you need to get it into your head STOP TOUCHING, TAKING,USING,SMELLING,WEARING,CARRYING or whatever the heck ypu plan to do with my stuff ! call me selfish but there are certain things where you can or cannot take and thats the way it dont blame me for yelling at your stupid face :)


Finally god * thank u so much* has answered my prayers ! my application had been approved nw i need to wait for them to process it and I'm secured for the next 3 yrs ! yippee

suicide ??

Was it necessary to kill youself for some who you just coupled up fr 4 months ? NO ! it isnt !
We know you love her so much but common you have 6o year old parents who needs you more than anyting ! she's not into anymore than move on, even if its hard, but you should think of the consequences of you killing youself...

may u rest in peace anyways....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Effin Pissing OFFFFFFFFF !!!!

Omg I'm so unlucky, im so nt exaggerating...after doing all the shit they told me and yet they scrwed it all up ! im so frustrated ! and to add it all up people who did not go out like i did actually got their loan approved ! I mean like what the hell ? they made me run around like a dog and just screw up the whole application and apply for the new one ???

I didn't realise that people hire these kinds of fools to handle and run these things, they are stupid lazy fat asses..i swear who ever who screwed up my app is and will defiantly get something nice in return ! i shall pray for that since they just screwed up my future in a way! thank u stupid Buffalo's !

Monday, December 6, 2010

Crazy !

Here i am after sooo long :D well have been busy with assignments and social service trips, had a blast for my 1st year 1st semester :)well now its coming 2 an end, damn fast ay ? i started in September and I'll be done by da 15Th of December.

Been stressed out the whole time actually cause of my pending loan application, maths subject and the amount of tiredness that took over...damn

Anyways, finals are starting on the 8Th *wish me luck* gonna go cold turkey with facebook and tumblr :(

Till then...sayonara <3