Saturday, February 25, 2012

Keep Wondering...

"Sometimes I wonder...I wonder and I wonder....guys mostly...

They go all the way for a girl..making them to feel special and do all sorts of shits to get that girl.......but when they got them as time passes by they don't care about keeping it special the way it was..Why?!Why??do you all know how much hard it is getting a girlfriend in this tough competition world and how much it offends single guys like me?! "
Thaya Veeraya.
The above words was taken from a very close friend of mine telling how much a person can change and stop making any effort after they get their partner and when i read that I couldn't help thinking how whatever he said was absolutely true ! Well, this doesn’t only apply to boys it’s also meant for girls as well.

For instance, a boy goes all out to attract the girl, give her all the sweet hopes and tell her heart melting words and promises all before she falls for him and accepts him as her boyfriend and when their all coupled a up, the guy stops showing anymore lovey dovey action and treats her like one of his friends after a while.

Seriously? Like how annoying is that?

First you give her all the love in the world and then one day you just stop and take it all away.

Then as for the girls, it’s almost the same. A girl goes all out to act innocent and sweet for the guy and when she gets him, she becomes a troll, controlling the poor guy’s life, and expects their guy to act an behave how they want them to, owh ! and plus the constant nagging to that.

I don’t see why people do this? How can you expect each other to be devoted to one another when each acts this way? I mean if you want your relationship to work then, make it work not make it worse. It can be tough to maintain certain attitudes and beliefs in a relationship after a while but there also the wanting to TRY, right? If you claim you love that person then why are there even words like give up or fed up? Judging from the amount of breaks up’s that’s been happening I’m guessing everyone now believes that trying after they get what they want is not essential anymore

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I dont usually get hyped up about hindi songs, but this song is awesome and so is the dance moves by an actress that i think is like super hot, Katrina Kaif. I dont care about what people say about the way she dances, cause if you didnt like it you wouldnt have watched it :)

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The very busy, stupid me

Had a long busy and tiring 2 weeks. Passed up 3 reports, completed a presentation and cleared up all my pending work stuff *serves me right for going on a holiday at the beginning of the semester*. Anyways now all that' is outta the way, i need to prep my self for my a subject's final paper, 2 presentations, trial runs & experiments 4 more assignments and finally a quiz before I sit for finals :( okay enough whining, so so far I've gotten some good news so I'm guessing and hoping everything turns out fine for me, I'm so tired of worrying my butt off, since i came back from India and clearing my mind of certain things and i now know what to do :)

Anyhoooo, I was suppose to observing vegetarian food yesterday for prayers, but as usual i woke up forgot i was suppose to be vegetarian and ate a bun..which had egg in it ! and only realized this after eating. I felt so bad and not to mention stupid and careless !

Dear god please forgive me :( im truly sorry :(

Saturday, February 11, 2012

India !

So, im back to Malaysia, cant help saying that I really missed home after going into the 2nd week of being in India. I missed Malaysian food especially, although food there was awesome but Malaysian food has already spoiled my taste buds so after awhile i just got sick of eating the food there and started craving for nasi lemak *pathetic, i know*.

The weather on the other hand was freaking cold ! of course it was, cause its still the winter season there, wore 3 layers of jackets everywhere i went, and even slept with the same way ! Then there is the cleanliness part, yes it wasn't so clean, there was poop everywhere, people spitting and peeing so if any one of you have OCD or some sort, this is not a country you would wanna visit. But some how it didn't really bother me, maybe because i prepared my self for this part, so i was fine :)

Okay enough with the bad stuff, there is allot of good stuff too, like when you go to the village side, OMG the place is so beautiful, just like in the movies. Then food like i said earlier was awesome, their main course is Dhal and Chapathi which is super good. You don't get much rice there as they seldom eat rice unlike we Malaysians, so that's why after a week or so I got all whinny and annoyed cause i dint get my rice.

Since India is a big country, for every destination we wanted to go was so far away from one another, and eventually everyone got sick of travelling, to add up to that the roads were bumpy, with tones of potholes and plus all that with the extreme sound of vehicle's horns ! and tadaaa you start to regret why you came. Anyways, I forget all that when I reach the destination, for instance as soon as I catch a glimpse of a row of shops that sells suits, sarees & jewelries, I feel like I've reached heaven and nothing else matters. Everything there is like waayyy cheaper, suits that you buy her for 200 to 300 bucks can be bought here for like 60 bucks to 100 bucks !! Its without a doubt a shopping paradise for Indian women.

To sum everything up, i had fun most of the time, its without a doubt an experience on its own, based on the stories I've heard from people about India is not really true. I saw everything for myself and all i can say is that those people were exaggerating about how awful India is, trust me it isn't, all you need to do is adapt :)

Pictures are all up on Facebook, so check them out there.