Thursday, January 16, 2014

Positivity come to mamah !

Its a new year and I'm feeling great surprisingly, I'm not gonna be a whinny ass baby in this post because i feel good. Apparently a few positive things that has happened to me can make me feel less useless and grumpy all the time. The positive things would be my driving license which I've been worried sick for but i passed fortunately and also my final exam results
which i was restless and so super worried because i had 2 subjects that i felt i did badly but apparently i didn't or maybe the lecturer felt really bad for my stupidity and gave me a better grade instead of flunking me which ever it is I'm super grateful for it and for once I'm actually super happy with my results.

And these small amount of achievement has made my days better ! I don't stare at the wall and ceiling
cursing myself and my luck anymore...actually
for now, i don't know what else is in store for
me which might put me back in that phase again.

Another thing that I have no idea whether i should be happy or not is that my brother is buying a car and
is expecting me to drive it when i have classes.
I would be happy with this is only because i don't have to depend on him to send me and picking me up every time i need to go out the bad thing is I panic really fast which is super bad when it comes to driving and the area i live in gets jammed up during peak hours which can lead me into spending an hour or so to get home since my classes all start in the morning and ends the same time working hours ends. And lastly parking. I'm not allowed to drive anywhere other than the train station which is where i have to park the car to take the train to my classes. The parking lots provided by the train station is packed, which means id have to leave my home my 6.30am to get there earlier to get a parking lot. My classes starts around 11 the earliest so what the hell am i suppose to do from 6.30 to 9am ? See my problem... Well all i can do now is to see what happens when i start driving 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Guess who got her driving license ??

Well I have two good news..for myself actually but im still gonna share with you because I can. So the first good news is that i have survived 2013 without jumping off a cliff  *happy new year by the way* and second I've obtained my driving license ! I'm pretty proud of my self since I've been screwing things up alot and pretty much disappointing my d
ad and brother as well, so at least i got this right. Although I had i had to take the JPJ testing twice im glad i passed it the second round, perfectly. I do have to thank my dad for having so much patience in me, teaching and guiding me without yelling at me like some parents I've witness doing to their kids. I love my dad !

The beginning of the process of obtaining my driving license was easy, all i had to do was sit for a super boring 5 hour theoretical course and then take the theoretical test that required alot of reading and memorizing and then when that was done I officially got my L (learners permit) .After that i was required to attend an 8 hour practical session broken up into two hours per day which  required me to learn how to drive on the road as well as learning the techniques of driving up a hill (bukit), side reverse parking and enter parking (tiga penjuru). I had problems here  because after learning i had to return back to kl for college and then when i came back to take the P(trial driving license) testing i forgot half of what i had learned and plus the stress and anxiety level on that day i manage to flunk it. I actually forgot the technique to do the enter parking and when on the road I didn't realize there was a traffic light ahead and i just drove past it when it was read which happens to be a big no no and a big FAIL and so that's how i flunked my first practical testing. After that my dad had me attend another lesson for practice right before the day i took the testing for the second time so i don't forget anything *again i love my dad!* The key to passing the testing is actually to just remember the techniques the driving instructor has taught. They tell you exactly how many times you need to turn the steering wheel to reverse into the box, and then which mark we should be aware off before making a turn or how much pressure you should put on the gas pedal when your going to go down the hill so the car doesn't go back and that was it, I just had to remember the techniques and i passed the first half of the testing perfectly even with the high levels of anxiety and nervousness.

Since the day i went had over a 100 people, my turn happened to be the 3rd session so it took more then 5 hours for my turn to come so i had alot of time to relax and calm myself down and mingle around with people I've made friends. When my turn for the road testing came it was already 4pm *was there at 8am* and i was a little tired and restless for the long wait. When it was my turn to enter the car I got all nervous back again. Imaging sitting with a stern JPJ officer in a tiny car, judging you, and i sitting there trying to not sweat like a pig so my hands don't slip when im turning the steering wheel but it was all good once i was on the road, the officer wasn't mean she was nice and that made me relaxed, i drove well and scored 17/20 which was more than enough for me. And there you have it, I then jumped like and idiot and headed to the counter to verify the documents,collected my documents and ID and I skipped and semi ran wile calling my dad and talked his ear off till i reached home. So in a weeks time i'll get my official P, and sadly in two years time i'll get my Competent drivers license so until then i need to be a very good girl and not hit into anything and lose my P.