Sunday, August 28, 2011

Taken from-

This is exactly how i feel, and when i say this it made me realise that there are people just like me.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hilary Duff Is Pregnant

Hilary Duff Is Pregnant With First Child! -

First she got married now she's having a baby, its all so fast :) such a pretty gurl...getting married & having kids waayyyy too early, but she doesn't care what i think haha so god bless this pretty girl !

Friday, August 12, 2011

Strangers again :(

You start as Strangers.

Then maybe you have a surprise encounter. you go through stage 1: Meeting. You start to talk and are so interested in each other, you get distracted and end up talking & talking. You get each other’s numbers, emails, etc as you realize you really hit it off.

You enter stage 2: The Chase. Some say it’s the best part. All you wanna do is get to know each other better, hang out with her, they were the only person you wanted to talk to. You made them the number 1 priority. Every time you saw them, butterflies. You thought they were perfect. Then finally, when you were ready: ” Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?”

And with this, you enter a relationship and stage 3: The Honeymoon. This is when you can finally and fully express your feelings for each other. ” Dream come true.” They were finally yours. Bajillion pictures with each others. You knew every detail about them.

Then, stage 4: Comfortable. It’s not bad, it just means you can be yourself around them. Some people use it positively and work at their relationship. Others allow it to create distance. You take each other for granted. Someone stops trying.

The spark fizzles out and you enter stage 5: Tolerance. You tolerate each other. Arguing is one thing, but feeling dissatisfied or feeling unhappy with the relationship is another. You try to fix things, but like other couples, it’s not enough. The relationship isn’t bad, & it isn’t good.

It wasn’t long until you enter stage 6: Downhill. The effort to make things work, isn’t worth it

Finally, the worst stage ever: Breaking up.

Then Strangers, again.

(Source: ashuhhlyn)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why do people cheat in relationships ?

Cheating among couples have been happening allot among my friends especially, its either the girl cheat on the guy or the guy cheats on the girl, but why ?? I would really like to know why do people cheat on each other * i don't have the guts to go ask my friends that*

well i actually think cheating occurs because

(1)When you're you don't have the guts or heart to break up with their partner to be with someone else.
Some couples tend to have a dominant one in the relationship, and these days the girls seems to be the dominant one, and guys tend to be "demure" or the quiet one in the relationship *from what i have seen* and so these guys have more of a fear in their girlfriends and lesser love for them, and so as this goes on, the guys tend to "wonder off" to get that love and affection that their not getting and when they finally find the ONE, they would be too afraid to break up with the girlfriend to be with the ONE thy love.

(2) Bored
Some people who are in a relationship for a long period of time may find themselves feeling bored even of they still love and have feelings for each other. As I know, its only the beginning part of the relationship that would be the fun part but once you move on to being in a serious relationship you get bored and that's when they start to find new exciting people to be with without the other significant one knowing, BUT they don't let the significant one go.

(3) Lack of Attention
Some people tend to give more priority and attention to other people than their partners, and they are never there when they need someone. So once they are tired of waiting for that much needed attention these people tend to lean to whoever that's willing to give them the attention while keeping the other partner in the dark.

I could only come up with these reasons which I could come up with, I know there is more reasons out there that i cant figure but i will :)

Lavish Spending

I was speaking to an old friend of mine a few days ago, when the the topic about lavish spending. My friend whose to be a simple and never worried about spending money on clothes or cosmetics was now the total opposite. There she was sitting in Starbucks, with her hush puppy dress and prada handbag, and there i was passing by the place she sat with my tshirt,shorts and sandals which summed up to be only 30 bucks.

So then she waved at me and i went over to her, and we started talking instantly about our old days for an hour or so. One thing let to another she started talking about how she started dressing up after entering college. She started spending tons of money on branded stuff and started naming me places that she would shop and then asked me to join her one day, and all i could do was smile and say "haha that's not gonna happen, cause those places are not for me" and she laughed at me and said "why ? you are wearing clothes that looks expensive too, so why not come shop with me ?" and i said back "babe i shop at times square and that's it, i don't waste money on clothes especially from romp or hush puppies or anything that's from pavilion and mid valley or klcc, I get my clothes from places that are cheap, and sometimes even the bazaar or morning market that's it" and the look on her face was one in a million. She told me that she don't wear cheap stuff cause people may laugh at her and she said she thought i was wearing the tshirt from Body Glove and when i told her i was actualy wearing a tshirt that was bought from a thailand fair and told her the price for my clothings that i was wearing and she got stunned and told me that's how much her shoes cost, and so that's when i told her to get herself to times square and you would die thinking about the money you spent in all those posh clothing stores when you could spend them at times square for a waayyy cheaper price and the quality is good too. And we talked and talked stuff that's not important to write here :)

Anyways, i know some of you that dont know me may think that im a cheapskate or some sort, but hey im not willing to spent 15 bucks on shorts or 30 bucks for a blouse, cause that the way i am and its just too painfull to see my money going to waste for that. I choose to be this way, even with expensive clothes no one's gonna pay you for that in the future its whta you avheive and that the way i wanna be.

I passed

I guess i got what i wanted this time. Although people would think I'm get over excited over an exam score, but i know how hard was it to get myself to pass that freaking paper. Thank god i passed and now I'm relived.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I wonder the same thing too...

LOSER !!!!

I have no idea what to do with my life....everything sucks big time.... I'm a full time failure now... I can cry my huge butt out and nothings gonna change. Whoever who came up with the quote "success is 99 percent failure" is an idiot ! .... arggghhhhhhh !!!!