Friday, August 12, 2011

Strangers again :(

You start as Strangers.

Then maybe you have a surprise encounter. you go through stage 1: Meeting. You start to talk and are so interested in each other, you get distracted and end up talking & talking. You get each other’s numbers, emails, etc as you realize you really hit it off.

You enter stage 2: The Chase. Some say it’s the best part. All you wanna do is get to know each other better, hang out with her, they were the only person you wanted to talk to. You made them the number 1 priority. Every time you saw them, butterflies. You thought they were perfect. Then finally, when you were ready: ” Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?”

And with this, you enter a relationship and stage 3: The Honeymoon. This is when you can finally and fully express your feelings for each other. ” Dream come true.” They were finally yours. Bajillion pictures with each others. You knew every detail about them.

Then, stage 4: Comfortable. It’s not bad, it just means you can be yourself around them. Some people use it positively and work at their relationship. Others allow it to create distance. You take each other for granted. Someone stops trying.

The spark fizzles out and you enter stage 5: Tolerance. You tolerate each other. Arguing is one thing, but feeling dissatisfied or feeling unhappy with the relationship is another. You try to fix things, but like other couples, it’s not enough. The relationship isn’t bad, & it isn’t good.

It wasn’t long until you enter stage 6: Downhill. The effort to make things work, isn’t worth it

Finally, the worst stage ever: Breaking up.

Then Strangers, again.

(Source: ashuhhlyn)

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