Friday, April 6, 2012

Today was definitely not a good day, on the way to class this morning i saw an lady lying motionless on the road, then in class a friend of mine said she saw an guy in the same situation at the same area and just minutes after that i got a news that a friend of mine passed away in another state.... I do not know how to describe what im feeling right now, i don't really get what im feeling but somehow im freaking out. I don't know whether the 2 mentioned strangers are okay or not so i hope, them lying motionless was just being unconscious, and i hope they're fine... But whats a slap on the face was that 11 hours ago this person, my friend was alive and now he's gone , a young healthy boy... All i can say is RIP my friend.

Everything went by today without me realizing it, i walked passed my friends without greeting or stopping to talk them, too many things were running through my mind and all i wanted was to go home as fast as i could....

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