Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Biggest Gainer Asia !

Since I'm have been super uber free, i have gained weight i and i now look like a fat kidding.

Well, why wouldn't i be ? have eating sleeping and making the Internet my best friend for the past 3 months, its crazy..i know !

I cant help it, there is food everywhere around me and gosh the temptations just go wild. Food is one dangerous thing for me right now.

Been wanting to exercise but every morning when i want to, I'm just to sleepy to wake up..then when i wanna stick to a diet people forces, literally forces me to eat, so that how i made myself look like a pig and lesser human...

Anyways, I'm starting a new diet plan tomorrow onwards, which is going to be a strict one till i drop some pounds and go back to my original size :D i hope it works this time..i hope..i really really hope it does..

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