Sunday, September 12, 2010

What a girl can do....for u

A girl can only wait for a guy, for so long, that one day, she’ll get tired of waiting and leaves. A girl can only give you so many chances, that one day, her heart isn’t willing to take another heartbreak, anymore.

A girl can only cry so much, that once she runs out of tears, she gets up, and realizes she needs to stay strong, and forgets about your ass. A girl can only put up with so many lies, so many bullshit, that sooner or later, she will stand up for herself. A girl can only get played, so many times, that one day.. she decides she can’t put up with this, and becomes afraid to love again.

A girl can only put up with so many “I’m sorry”s, that one day, sorry will never be enough. A girl can only listen to your words, for so long, that one day, she will get tired of just hearing words and she will soon look for some action. A girl can only get her hopes up so many times, when you tell her you’re going to do this and that, that she’ll get tired of being left disappointed, and move on.

A girl can only get treated so bad, that one day, an amazing man will walk into her life, and he will treat her way better than you ever did.It’s your lost. And you’re going to regret it.

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