Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life is so complicated...

I'm just 19 n i have 2 think about money, jobs, pleasing people, i hate living my life the way other people want me to....i noe these kinda things makes people independent in the future but crap ! i cant take this, i to young to be worrying about things my parents and grandparents think about....its just to sickening.

i want to study so i deserve to get the loan why the hell is people who don't wanna study but for the sake of the money the lie and they still end up getting it. I'm so tired of being patient and sucking up to people who doesn't even care if my efforts work or not, but i still have to cause i need it ! so understand what I'm going through people !

its either god really doesn't like me or I'm just have bad luck written all over my face.

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