Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy mothers day

Its mothers day today for the year 2011, and I'm back at my hometown this year to celebrate it with me mother and grandmother. Took both of them to pizza hut and a little shopping with my mom and bro later.

As i was saying we went to pizza hut since we haven't went there in along time. and they were having this promotion for mother's day which apparently they had it last year but i dint realise as usual where they had pizza's in heart shapes, i thought it was super cute, but it wasn't that nice, cause i think they put mayonnaise under the cheese topping, and i was never a fan of mayonnaise but i still ate it though. But even so I think i cheered up my grandmother today with my goofy actions, its so nice to see her laugh and have fun

So happy mother's day to my mom even if your annoying i still love you and also my grandmother who took care of me allot when i was a kid and bought me so much stuff when i never asked for it <3 and than aunt Bindhi my God mother who has been taking care of me like her own child for the past 3 years, it means allot to me for your kindness. And finally to all the mothers out there :)

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