Sunday, August 15, 2010

Something for all of us to ponder on...

Found these in a blog which i was just reading through randomly, and it just made me sit and think of all the things i have and they don't.
I feel so lucky knowing that i have things they don't and yet they still have the courage to move on with their lives.
I'm truly deeply ashamed of myself.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Have been feeling kinda STUPID lately, i don't know the reason why am i like this but something caused it but im never realising it.

I have been having the insecure feelings within me towards all the people i m close to. its like its so hard to trust them or treat them like i know them. i tend to ignore them or be mean or i just get irritated with whatever they do. Just for little things i get annoyed with. I feel guilty afterwards because of what i did.

Then i have bad feelings about my future education. Since I'm investing allot of money on it just to start off my degree i cant help feeling that I'm doing a mistake choosing the college or the course. i love psychology, and i would really love to work in that field or something relevant to it but I'm living in a country where people don't know hoe to differentiate psychology or psychiatry so basically I'm studying and investing in allot of money for a low pay job in the future. So you tell me who wouldn't feel paranoid about their future and be insecure.
I hate what i have become..this coward insecure creature who is afraid of her future...
God Please Do Help Me....

Friday, August 13, 2010


I can be selfish most of the time, cause I always want the best for myself.

It’s my life and I would like it to go the way I desire it to.
But that doesn’t signify I’m a heartless person.

I’m sensitive and you know it. I cry for little things even though you think it’s for silly reasons, but that’s the individual I am and you know that but why do you have to go say things that will always be jammed in my mind forever.

I don’t want to hate you cause I have given you all I’ve got.
You promised to take care of my heart and I hope you will keep your promise as you are on your way to break it…..

Wanting "life" nearby...

Is it meant to be or is it just my fate that everyone I love needs to be so far away from me?

I hate this so effing much!

I want the people I love to be close to me always, it feels so wrong when I have fun without them. I want my circle of love to be complete just me and all the people I love to be around where everyone genuinely loves each other and appreciates whatever that we got to offer. I have been disappointed with most of the things in my life cause I never got what I want, but this is something I authentically want for the rest of my live.

It’s not a nice feeling when you see the people around you having their loved one beside them always worrying about you or caring for you. It hurts to see that these people have what I want and never appreciates it.

All I want is the ones I love to be with me….for always
I know this ain't gonna happen but I a girl can still hope…cant she????

Hypocrites even when their old..SHOCKER

Hypocrites..their all around. Damn for these past few months the only thing i learnt was hypocrites has many types especially the age that surprised me the most.

People like this has managed to disgust me form top to bottom. They lie, become a two faced pig and act all nice in front of whereas behind you they act as vicious snakes spitting venom on you without you knowing and corrupting others with their wicked thoughts of you to other.

They are a family and this is not the way you portray yourself as a family. Grow up people stop acting immature and be and adult like your age suggest . If you have a problem then say it to the face instead of being a coward that you already are.

I'm way younger than all of you but i am able to think that whatever that you people are doing isn't wise, so why cant you guys figure that being a disgusting hypocrite is not going to solve anything ?

Please repent..before its to late...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Calm Down People !

I was browsing through facebook just now a video posted by a friend of mine caught my attention. It was recorded by a bunch of teenagers slapping 2 girls, and then there was another video where a school boy about 16 or 17 dragged his girlfriend into a lift to have privacy while he whacked and slapped her. Whereas women tend to pick on other women who are weaker than them and also children.

Is this how the Malaysians are going to solve issues in the future ? well if they are then say toddles to the remaining peace in Malaysia.

Seems to be violence have become a solution for everyone. One whack and punch solves a problem...well apparently they do solve it but hell that's not how you solve a problem ???? people you have been given brains and mouths to talk and solve things out by using it wisely not your fists and legs.

You may say that some people are not going to listen to you if you don't whack but ask yourself if you don't want to listen to something you don't like would you like to get whacked for that ?

I don't think so, unless ur some kinda psycho freak who likes pain.

Violence doesn't solve anything, like the above boys in the video has ended up in jail with a criminal record that's going to be there for the rest of their lives. how i know this ? well it was written by the person who posted it. So, whats good about bashing up someone for a permanent criminal record and embarrassment ?

I'm not being a sexist or what but men really needs to learn how to abuse people who are weaker than them lesser. i know it makes you look macho and stuff but in reality it makes you look like an uneducated brainless hooligan. If you want to show off the macho side of you then pick on someone who's your size or maybe bigger than you, that will make you look all manly wouldn't it ?

As for women, come on stop bashing your own kind its not cool. You want to get your man back please don't whack each other it only makes the guy happy not you.

ANOTHER THING IS STOP ABUSING ANIMALS ! you buy a pet to love it and take care of it not whack it when it barks or pee at the wrong places. Come one even puppies are being whacked for that. they dont have a voice to speak up so for god sakes stop abusing animals. stop pouring hot water on them, throw stuff at them or kick them. Its a heartless thing to do !

So people out there stop whacking each other, or bombing for a matter of fact, its not the solution...unless they really ask for it ha ha...but still ...

Peace !

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

HomeComin !

Finally back at K.L after a mini trip back to my hometown Alor Star, Kedah !

It was SO nice to see my mum and dad, and manja2 with my dad again..missed him allot .
my mum has become this super uber ultra talkative women, guess all those months alone at home has burst out when she had people back was cute but then annoying to.
went to send my younger bro to his rented house where he is living as he is studying in a college there. He's all grown up, was so proud to see him use all those big words, and the way he acts all grown up-ish when he talks to me, it was cute. missed fighting with him as he apparently has no time for that now cause he need to study...righhttt !

Then visited my grandma, that poor lady is alone now cause there's no more grandchildren left in Alor star so she's less active now. i felt bad for her, so to cheer her a little me my mom and my elder bro took her out lunch, and talked and laughed, and indeed it cheered her up.

Then went home packer my stuff and it was goodbye Alor star.
and now I'm back at kl sitting her and blogging and missing my hometown and the people in it
have no idea when i could go back there after this since I'm starting at HELP Uni on the 25Th.
