Friday, August 13, 2010

Hypocrites even when their old..SHOCKER

Hypocrites..their all around. Damn for these past few months the only thing i learnt was hypocrites has many types especially the age that surprised me the most.

People like this has managed to disgust me form top to bottom. They lie, become a two faced pig and act all nice in front of whereas behind you they act as vicious snakes spitting venom on you without you knowing and corrupting others with their wicked thoughts of you to other.

They are a family and this is not the way you portray yourself as a family. Grow up people stop acting immature and be and adult like your age suggest . If you have a problem then say it to the face instead of being a coward that you already are.

I'm way younger than all of you but i am able to think that whatever that you people are doing isn't wise, so why cant you guys figure that being a disgusting hypocrite is not going to solve anything ?

Please repent..before its to late...

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