Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life as We Know It

Haven't been updating my blog much,.why cause there isn't much going on now, most of my plans have canceled, which wan the sunway trip, the all girls clubbing outing, an all girls night out vacation in Bali, Indonesia and of course universal studios :( none of this happened cause every time we planned something important had to come up, so annoying... well next is my friends surprise 21st birthday party, so happening that would turn out good.

Been very annoyed allot lately, actually ever since i got my exam results. i mean i know i did not deserve what i got with all the studying and waking up earlier than everyone else to get my ass to class in the morning, i mean common ! i tried hard didn't i ? damn than with all those planning that never happened. Than the love life isn't doing well either so go figure ! why am i so annoying.

I just wanna get this semester over with and pass everything or I'm gonna get left behind, and that's stressing me out like crazy :( more like depressing..than i just weighed myself and i put on 2 Kg's, I cut my rice intake and i only ate once a day and drank to much liquid instead, so i don't effing know how water, coffee, tea and milo could make me weigh two Kg's extra...stupid all the effort i did to lose the weight and now i got it back ! humbug !! I'm not gonna bother anymore, i tried and it did not work so I'm eating what i want back again, to hell with losing weight ! hah !

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