Thursday, June 9, 2011


Have anyone of you thought about committing suicide, maybe constantly or randomly feel that way when something bad is happening ??

well i have, I'm not gonna lie, i think ever since i was a kid i would think about suicide cause most of the time it would be cause of me not having friends or my parents being unfair with their punishments and rewards system towards me and my brothers, and most of the they time the suicide feeling comes when it comes to my exam results, i fail more than i passed in secondary 4 & 5. I know all all these excuses seems stupid to even think of suicide..but i still do it now anyways. But all i know is i can never have the guts to kill myself, cause one my pain threshold is really low, so yeah I'm nt stabbing myself or jumping off a building , second i think funerals are really expensive these days so I'm not gonna burden my parents and not to mention humiliating them cause as usual Malaysian blames parents for the child's attitudes and decisions.

I feel suicide is a very easy way out but is it really a good decision ?? i know maybe some of us may think that it maybe the only way out of all the bad things that's happening, but do ever find other ways to not turn to that choice ?? and do people think about how much are they gonna affect the people they love or people who loves them if they committed suicide ??

Anyways its not like I'm gonna get answers to that, but I'm just so very curios to find out :) p/s this is not my suicide note

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