Monday, July 18, 2011

Green monster inside me...

I'm happy that everyone else is happy, but there is still jealousy deep down in me ? I don't know what to think about this feelings. I know I'm just jealous cause i cant get what i want like others do, even if it was my birthday or anything, and maybe that's why I'm upset or maybe just jealous of my friends getting stuff that i wanted and me not getting later or at all. It is kinda frustrating when i think of it.

I feel stupid feeling jealous or upset or small things but some how even if know that what i feel towards people close to me is not right but i still do it anyways, all i do is keep on having this jealousy feeling deep down and i start to kinda like get annoyed with that person. Sometimes i think I'm just being bitchy but when i actually told my friend this, she actually said that she has it too. That made me feel better a lil bit.

All i know is this feelings and thoughts will know go away very soon, but hey i can try and control it...i think...

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