Saturday, July 2, 2011

A story of a BI**H

I have this friend, she is or maybe was close to me but she has turned into an annoying bitch. I hate her and her bloody slutty attitude which apparently has begun to shine more than she already was.

I have never felt like slapping anyone like i do when I'm with her. She thinks she's good cause she knows she gets whatever she wants but yet this bitch still whines like she doesn't. Why ?? Cause she's an idiot.

I hope someone would tell her off one day, i wish i could do it but i cant, so i hope she gets all the bad things as much i do, than she would know how it feels to be in my shoe and hopefully stop her bloody whinings. I know you get alooottt of attention but how long is that gonna last ? You can show off now cause you have the support of people, but what would happen if you finally dont ? and that's when you would see what i have been telling you.

Owh, if your so pretty then please do stop throwing yourself at men who treats you like a dog. You really don't have to follow that like a dog too, you willfind someone, so stop acting desperate and move on.

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