Monday, July 18, 2011

Long week !

Been a busy week for me, finished my finals crappy-ly on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then went on a shopping spree with sharon to hunt for a dress for my bestie's Jeya's 21st Birthday. Fist we thought of getting her like a stuff toy cause she liked it but then i thought she has tons of stuff toys and plushies so lets just get her a dress and than find a picture if me, jeya & Sharon together frame it and give it to her on her party day. After taking the wrong bus to times square and getting stranded, we spent almost 3 hours looking for a gift and finally we found a perfect black dress, it was lacy on the top and a plain black from the hips. Than got my mom a pretty blouse and finally headed home.

Than i went to work on Saturday morning, which was exhausting. Than on Sunday around 12 me and Sharon went on our way to Jeya's house, she fetched us from the bus stop, took us home, helped her with a lil cleaning her and there, than followed her to go get her cake and some other things went home listened to her whine about how hideous her cake was and also laughed the whole way back home insulting her cake too. Than got dressed and so we ate took tons of pictures and ate and than at 2 am I finally went to sleep like a pig.

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