Sunday, September 18, 2011

My week

Had an awesome week ! My dad was in k.l for a week, so i got to spend the whole week with him, had our bonding time, just the two of us, and addition to that i got to stay at Ancasa Hotel and Spa, its an awesome hotel, with awesome food and of course their ever so soft bed that you never wanna wake up from. This only lasted till Friday, cause he had to leave and go back to alor star, and as always i start crying ever time my dad sends me home. I still hate it and will always hate that part :(

Anyways, the next day, it was my friends birthday so me and a bunch of my friends spent the night partying at the Celsius club. It was an awesome club, that i can tell, we danced all night loongggg. I still cant drink or stand the smell of alcohol, everyone found that part of me amusing, I go to clubs but i don't drink or smoke, they say its like the weirdest thing they have ever heard, but hey i still don't like alcohol, and the only reason i go to clubs is cause that's one place that i can dance off my worries in loud music and forget my worries, especially for the worries and problems that i was having since last month. Needed to get hthose crap outta my head !

Then came home and everything became crappy when I got food poisoning, i was so hungry that i ate something that may have been a day old and i started puking and having diarrhea, I felt so freaking weak, its like every time i go to the toilet i flush down my energy too. still having it now too, couldn't go to class today and kinda missed my discussion for an assignment, but its reschedule so no worries there. Now, all I want is my ginger drink and a bed and I'll be fine :)

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