Monday, September 19, 2011

Newbie !

Was talking to an old friend the other day, this girl knew ever since we were 13, anyways we were talking about random stuff and then we started talking about how i use to be so nice to people, and how i never fought or yelled at anyone back no matter how much they did to me and how much people took advantage of that and yet i still never did anything about it . And then she said something that i haven't realise, she said that I'm no more that person ! and hell she was right, now I fight back !

Once a friend of mine was making me do her extra work, i actually stopped and told her that I'm not doing it for her or doing any of her work anymore, and then my friend was making fun of my maths grade, and i said i just suck at math at least i have a diploma unlike you, and she never said a word after that about my math grade, and i use to ignore the posts about me on fb, and never really cared about it, and hey i confronted that person ! or like my aunts keep saying i was putting on weight every time they saw me, and i said, so do you guys, and you know what i have the same genes like you guys so of course I'm gonna be fat, they got a upset told my dad and yada..yada they never commented on my weight after that. My brothers now don't dare pick on me now cause i whack to, i grab whatever that's around me and whack, so they kinda think twice before fighting with me

I'm actually fighting back, for my rights, i cant believe i was such a coward last time. Well that old me is dead and gone, you wanna find fault with me, you're gonna get it back ;)

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