Monday, October 17, 2011


Just got my first class test results and it was "awesome" i feel so smart ! I can now prepare myself for the worst if i fail this paper...There's always this 1 bugger who'd ruin my semester, and this semester the winner would be Biological Psychology :) Finals timetable is out to and guess what i have another paper on the same day as my bio psych paper ! How awesome is that ? ha ha I'm so looking forward to this... First midterm starts on Wednesday and the next day would be that bugger paper and another one is next week on Monday.

Suicide is my main priority now...Nah, that's too much work too..

Anyways Diwali is next week, got my shopping done at Klang yesterday. I wasn't in the mood of shopping why ? CAUSE my elder brother was being a pain in my freaking ass and annoyed me till he dropped me home, and i usually do my shopping with my dad, cause he's soo patient with me and actually has a good taste so this year it was just me my aunts, cousin and my brother and his girlfriend. I picked two simple patterned Punjabi Suits which only coasted me 85 bucks for both, that's was like a huge deal cause you don't get Indian traditional clothing for that price. Then my aunts insisted i sew a Punjabi suit and so i did. So lets just wait and see how that turns out :)

Im gonna go drown myself in coffee now and then continue studying for bio psych :(


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