Friday, November 25, 2011

People were curious about what had meant in my previous post, since it didn't make sense to some, im not gonna explain so please don't ask what i meant *no hard feelings* , If you knew me you would have known what i meant at the 2nd line itself :)

p.s if some of you think i was being mean when i replied ur messages im sorry , i really didn't mean to, the post is jz to let go some pent up emotions i had. That's all.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Its so hard to describe how it feels
Life's unfair and everyone knows it
But why rub it in the face more ?
Gets what they want and what about others ?
Fair ?? Not really
Too much too handle
Too much pain to see
So stop
If hopes cant be given than don't let there be dreams
It shatters hearts, and will forever be engraved.
Loved ones abandoned, hateful ones remain ?
How to love when love is not shown or given ?
Hateful ones get them, but why not self ?
But where to go when there's no where else to go ?
Lied more then should but believing is a must
Things like this lasts forever, so why not happiness ?
It should stop...and it stops right now

Monday, November 21, 2011

Love Language [HD]

Heart just went awwww :') true love...which many people know it doesn't really exist, but whoever created this believes in it, and some how i want to too <3

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The awful feeling

OHMYGODDDDDD tomorrows the day, feel like crapping in my pants already ! arggggghhhhhh !

I'm gonna be facing a bunch of smart arse people, lord knows what kinda question would poop out in their nerdy head of theirs :s

I so don't want this to happen

I think im alredy having a nervous break

I was nervous the very day she said we had to do a presentation.

I hope i don't forget anything and embarrass myself and my group mates

I hope no one remembers me after that

Wish me luck !!!!

Dieeeeeeeeeeee :s

Friday, November 18, 2011

    The week has been absolutely horrible ! Datelines and assignments and preparing my research materials running my experiment tabulating results, studying fr a class test and preparing fr a I'm-gonna-die- presentation ! and to add all this up my throat still effing hurts and im stillcoughing like i have tuberculosis . Stupid throat has not stop hurting, and its already been 2 weeks !

    I've been up and running from 6am to latest 8pm everyday for the past one week, its so tiring :( i just wanna stop and do nothing, BUT I CANT !

    Freaking finals are next months so which mea
    ns once im done with all my assignments by the the 29th i would have to start studying, and since i have two freaking papers on the same day i'll have to cramp my brain up more then usual.

    Now that's alot of whining =.= i hope no else is going through this, so lets all pray that no one has to go through stuff like these anymore...yeah right...not gonna happen..

    If i don't have a new post soon, i may have probably com
    mitted suicide.

    Saturday, November 12, 2011

    Went to visit my Grandma today, and took her out for dinner. Gosh she looks so aged now :( I know she's suppose to but she used to be so active and now she's kinda slowed down and shrink ed, and its kinda sad to see my grandmother like that. This women cared allot for me and my siblings when my parents weren't around. I fought with her allot as a kid, cause she advised me allot and i took it as her being a busybody, but looking back whatever she was warning me about did happen. Well at least i realised that now before it was too late. I hope she lives on till she's 1000 years old *I'm being ridiculous i know* but she's the only grandparent that I've ever had and seen since i was a kid, so i don't wanna lose her,she still strong for now, and i love the way she brightens up and becomes active and excited when she sees her grand kids.

    The grandmother <3

    The mother and her mother ^^

    The brother and his mother ^^

    That's all i mange to family hates taking pictures so that will explain why the open mouth and turned heads. Had lotsa of fun with me family, last dinner with them till i come back the next time :(

    Okayyy enough of being emotional... Here's some pictures i managed to take during dinner, excuse the blur-ness of the picture, everyone was moving to much suddenly.


    Im back at my hometown for the weekend and it was just so fun that i don't wanna go back later :( it was suppose to be short one and i told myself not to get too excited or i'll end up whining and crying when im suppose to go home. How i wish i could stay longer and be with my family. Okay i'll just stop here before i start crapping and whining about going back to college.

    Anyway, i got back on Friday, and my mom surprised me with a cake. Since none of my family was with me fr my 21st birthday so my mom did a lil something for me :) this is the cake, its was so good, mom did a very good choice picking that cake


    Im drooling even when looking at the pictures... but its long gone now the cake disappeared less then an hour after it was cut :( it was that good... I was so into eating the cake that i forgot what its called but, i remember my mentioning to my dad that the dark dusty thingy on the cake was called charcoal or something, but what i can be sure of is that in between the cake, there was cream with bits and pieces of oranges and peaches. So if you guys do see cakes that looks like this be sure to try it out *if you like fruits in your cake*.

    Saturday, November 5, 2011

    Me 21st Birthday

    My Birthday turned out to be awesome after all ! Was kinda upset that i couldn't be with my parents on my 21st birthday but my friends made me me like i didn't have to be.
    So the day started with me still having soar throat and flu, answering phone calls and texts messages from my friends and family and then i had no choice but to take my flu and cough medicines which knocked me out fr like 4 hours straight * i amaze myself too* which made me miss my lunch date.

    Around 8.30 we were all set to leave the house to go rock Vogue0-The club. After, that everyone was starving so we headed to KFC which was an extremely-wrong-thing-to-eat-when-your-wearing-a-tight-dress which resulted a bulging stomach*ignoring that ever happened* Anyways then when we were there at Vogue, did some talking, jumping, screaming and picture taking till about 12 something. After that i was sitting down and yakking away with a friend of mine who's birthday was on the same day as me, a cake with candles were brought to our table. And then there was a slight emotional session and shyness :P then the cake was cut.

    After a few minutes the waiter came with an alcohol drink with flames and stuff
    on it in this loooonng vase-like jar. It was disgusting for me so the other friend of mine drank it up while i posed withe the straw in my mouth.

    After that we took like a 100 pictures and the headed of to another club and another club and spend the whole night out till 5 a.m and then when home with a smile on my face :)

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    >>I need a phone

    >>I need a lap top

    >>I need a vacation
