Friday, November 18, 2011

    The week has been absolutely horrible ! Datelines and assignments and preparing my research materials running my experiment tabulating results, studying fr a class test and preparing fr a I'm-gonna-die- presentation ! and to add all this up my throat still effing hurts and im stillcoughing like i have tuberculosis . Stupid throat has not stop hurting, and its already been 2 weeks !

    I've been up and running from 6am to latest 8pm everyday for the past one week, its so tiring :( i just wanna stop and do nothing, BUT I CANT !

    Freaking finals are next months so which mea
    ns once im done with all my assignments by the the 29th i would have to start studying, and since i have two freaking papers on the same day i'll have to cramp my brain up more then usual.

    Now that's alot of whining =.= i hope no else is going through this, so lets all pray that no one has to go through stuff like these anymore...yeah right...not gonna happen..

    If i don't have a new post soon, i may have probably com
    mitted suicide.

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