Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Confused ????

Where do i go from here ? im done with my finnal exams, duno which i may kinda screwed it up alittle so i dont really know where that puts me.
k have been studyng like crazy for it but somehow i can never get a good gread, n it suprises me untill today...gosh how pathetic isnt it ?

i am able 2 take pressure at any level, its prooven so if i end up any colleges or universties im preety sure i would handle it fine.... but the question is now will i b abl 2 cope with study level ? i mean degree subjects aint easy, i saw the sylybbus im needed to study to have my degree in psychology.

studyng has not been a good thing for me, i study but i still end up scrwing everything up, i have no idea why, and thats why for my degree im doubting on how can i convince my dad to invest his money (tons of it) on me when i dont have anything to prove that im worth it ? my resutls of my diploma is fairly good ( a little embarassing actualy ) which is not going to help me at all

i dont know if i should countinue doing my degree for noe, if i dont job wise im gone, i barely found any social centres that wants diploma holders as their counsellors....everything i have planned is goin out of direction...

hoping and working for the better....

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