Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Maturity ? hmm... can a person really define this ? or show it ?

growing up age wise is nvr enuf, u nid 2 expand emotionally and psychologically..but wait cant we still act a lil bit like a kid ?

i admit i may have grown up, but there is diz feelings form my core to act like a kid every once in awhile, there is always a small kid in me jumping to come out in many situations but obliviously I'm controlling it but most of the time i failed to do so but nvr regret it cause i feel that why do i want to hide it ?

being immature is not inhumane its not a sin people should not act on it as if its something bad !

I'm a cry-able person, i cry when sum one i love calls me stupid or anything bad, i cry when i get scolding from ppl..is this act immature ?

is screaming or shouting in joy when something u never thought you would get came thru ?

is needing to hug a person when ur sad ?

its really hard for adults to act so grown up at all times and somehow this flaw is in everyone like or not

i don't regret being super sensitive cause that's hoe i am, and i refuse to change..call me an ass but hell i will still act like a kid when want to cause for me its not immature =) yay !

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