Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Damn days have been passing so fast, and been wasting most of it. since i flunked my quantitative paper which was a pre-requisite paper so i couldn't enrol myself in otr subjects, pathetic right ? so i ended up only taking two, so for the next 5 months i only have 2 days of class, imagine how much time do i have to waste :( cant blame everyone about that, cz its all my fault ! owhhh n stupidity to.

I have my game demo tomorrow, and then stupid quantitative quiz and than in a blink of an eye its gonna be finals which would be on the 22nd and the 23rd...curses.... than I'm off to my long awaited semester break...I'm only looking forward to that :D

anyways my blog is so dead, i created it so that it would sorta be my daily diary but that's if i had exciting days, but sadly i don't, i live a very sad life where entertainment does not happen so that's why i have been posting out things i wanna let out, or interesting things that i have been through n other random stuff. so for that person who asked me why i don't update my blog everyday, well here is your answer :)

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