Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hunter Chicken

This chicken, i met for the first time was about 3 months ago, he /she and antr chicken, i think it was a male cz it was huge ! came walking like a boss towards me like i stole their food while i was waiting for the bus to arrive. Chicken *alive one* still scares the crap outta me, especially this ones cause they were both kinda big for a chicken. They were very bad chickens which i guess didn't like sharing their food this i did not assume cause i was waiting there one day, a puppy was there to looking for food and it followed the chicken hoping to get something but ends up getting pecked 3 times. i hated seeing that cz i kinda have a soft spot for dogs..but the puppy was smarter he walked off to another side where it was a small restaurant . *adorable*
Anyways, every time i and wait for a bus, they both com, i have no idea whether its coincidence or what but they come straight to bus stop jumps on the bench and stands there, and that's where i run for my life. Till 2 weeks ago, when i was waiting for the bus, only one came, the male chicken wasn't insight at all, i assume he has been eaten, so i decided not to run away to the opposite side of the road, and just stand a short distance from it, and that's the picture of the chicken proudly standing on the bench :) hope to see it again.

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