Thursday, March 17, 2011


I admit I'm getting fat, every people i know and sees me and says "Omg ! you put on allot of weight ? what happen ?" all i do is smile and say " I'm prosperous, and i love food ". I know I'm fat and i did put allot of weight since i came to K.L.

I CAME TO DISCOVER RECENTLY THAT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE FOOD ! i cant help it, i stop only when I'm full, and i tend to nibble allot on tid bits in between, especially almond chocolates. i cant help myself ! there is just so much temptations, there is always something to eat. Dieting had never ever worked for me and exercising is not something i want to be doing especially the plca where i live.

i used to not care when people said i was fat but i think I'm starting to realise now that i need to drop some pounds. I have stopped taking my dinner, and eating once a day bt that plan failed cause my mom hates the fact that i don't eat, so i tried skipping my dinner and eating my dinner instead but then didn't work either cause when I'm in college during the day i get hungry super fast and my tummy makes weird noises and i have to eat. so dieting is soooo not my thing !

but hey i do walk allot when I'm in college * hmm, that's why I'm hungry often* haha
but i was always ate in small portions, i could never eat more then 2 spoons *the rice spoon that is* of rice and there was never second rounds. so that maybe a reason why i eat snacks and other junks in between. damn...I'm screwing up my life...

Still finding a way and i will find day...owhhh wait maybe its in my genes ?? haha my mom and dad's siblings are all fat, maybe that's how i inherited the fat figure ??? fine, that's not it...

whatever it is ! im gonna find a way !

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