Sunday, March 6, 2011

My First Thailand Trip

On the 26th of February was my flight to Bangkok, Thailand. After getting our stuff checked in, we hugged everyone and there we went just the three of us, me, Sharon and Jeya. It was my first trip out of Malaysia actually *I know it’s sad* so I was so excited and not to mentioned my plane ride, it’s not my first but I only went on a plane when I was little so I don’t really remember how it was like, and so I was thrilled for that too. In the plane, I got the window seat by luck because the passenger next to me missed the flight! Yay! It was awesome looking down through the window n taking picture quietly* not allowed to use any electronic or battery like devices on the plane*

So when we reached Suvarnabhumi airport, and omg! It was so big and they had so many things inside, they had their bus stop there and train into the city directly too. We took a bus to our place which was Sukhumvit by the way and boy, the driver was so talkative but helpful to, he made it a point to tell us the names of the places we stopped and what shops to go to. Then we reached our hotel which was Imm Fusion. The place was beautiful, the interior decorations was awesome! And as you walk into the hotel that lead to the lift they had this beautiful Lord Ganesha statue that was surrounded by green plants and behind it was their pretty swimming pool, where it surrounds the lounge, massaging parlour and the gym. For a reasonable priced hotel I think this place had overdone itself. But the room size was kind of sad though, it was small, but the beds were huge! So after putting our stuff down and changing to something comfy we headed down to a small night market, but had to bail cause there were too many “activities” going there so instead we went to the mc’ds beside our hotel to get our dinner * burgers were not so nice but their fries were awesome-err* took it back to lounge area at our hotel and ate to our hearts content and took pictures too and headed off to sleep.

Next morning around 10 we arrived at Jatujak Market, it’s like Petaling Street was it was huger. They had sections too, for clothes, furniture, decoration, food and so on. But still too wasn’t cheap the goods sold was still the same price when converted back to Malaysian currency. So I got some stuff for my mom from the furniture shop and some t-shirts for my brothers and a blouse for me. Then as we walked we ended up at the back of a Mall! Got some stuff from there then headed out again rounded Jatujak Market a lil more then took a Tuk Tuk (auto) to Victory Monument. Damn it was like we were flying more than riding in it, it was freakin fast and scary but v still took picture though  There, I got some awesome killer heels and cute sandals for my mummy ann me and than 2 gladiators sandals for myself. I got 2 jerseys for my brothers that costed me 100 Bhatt (RM 10), but it looks fake though, but who cares. Then went down from that mall to another huge market, which was called Victory Point. Amazing clothes but again expensive a little. Did not get anything there though cause the some stall were just being set up, so we decided to call it a day and went home. That night we headed to Nana, another place where they had a night market. Did a lil shopping for my boys and then had MC’D’s again  and went home, took more pictures and slept peacefully awaiting the next day!

The next day we headed to MBK mall. It’s something like our Bukit Bintang or Times Square. Got some more T-shirts for my boys and a blouses for me and my mom and then went to a modern art gallery, actually we just went outside of the gallery. They had this statue heads of a few cats * I think* and a huge dustbin spilling crumpled papers all in ginormous size. Took more pictures there and then we headed home to rest awhile. In the evening we headed to another night market which really looked like Petaling Street, there I got handbags sandals and t-shirts for my boys, a dress for me and a huge travelling bag to stuff the things I bought in to take home. With all of that we headed to Victory Point again since it was still early, there I got a few dresses for myself, and boy with all the walking we did the day before and today, my foot was killing me, my heels and ankles was about to break that wherever I found a spot to sit I sat ! around 10 pm *their timing* we headed to the train station and headed to our hotel, to start packing as our flight would be at 12pm the next day so we needed to leave around 8 to get to the airport which was half an hour away. Also at the room I finnaly realised I had spent whatever money I had brough till there was only 20 bhat left, damn !

The last morning we rechecked or bags and the room to see if we left anything behind and then got ourselves into the taxi and went off to the airport. But we actually reached there at 9 so we were too early, so we got some awesome sausage buns, chocolate drinks, n Pocky * Rocky in Malaysia* sat at one corner with our enormous bags and ate an took pictures. And then with heavy hearts we went on to check in our stuff and boarded our flight. I sure do hope to come back again, with more money though next time.

Here are very little of the picture v took, was to lazy to upload :D

the swimming pool area

Our luggage *going home*

The Tuk Tuk

The cats i mentioned at the art gallery

MBK Mall

Our hotel

The Lord Ganesha Statue

My passport Chop ! haha

My bording passes Going and Coming

Pocky *in Msia its Rocky* The chocolate drink, compared to here for rm 1.60 u gt a smaller box but this was rm 1.50 (1bhat) n it was huge *350 ml* so cheap !
*The End*

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