Saturday, April 30, 2011

Movie Review : Estet

The movie i accidentally stumbled upon while browsing through ASTRO was called Estet. its a Malaysian film with all the races in it. Kinda of a shocker that they actually came up with this cause there isn't much of mixed raced people in a movie in Malaysia.

Anyways this movies was taken in a rubber plantation estet where the story basically is about the young men in the estet of Cinta Manis where they would have to go through a football match against the Black Cobra Eset because the villain of the movie which is Pooniah decided that if they Cinta Manis estet football team loses, the coach would have to give his daughter, Geetha(Jasmine Michael) * because she is very pretty and i think the prettiest girl in that estet.
to pay up his RM30,000 debt that he owns Ponniah. Other than that, some of the team members which comprises of a Micheal Jackson wannabe, a jakie chan wannabe, a transgender, a severely cross eyed black man in the team (Cinta Manis that is) whereas the opposition team included a scrawny man who was the leader and a few bih sized guys which were obliviously the bad people too. so, in order for estet cinta manis to lose Ponniah creates conflicts for that team and also paying the opposition team to make sure they beat cinta manis estet team. but in the end everything turns out well for cinta manis who would win everything they were fighting for. You will also be awed when the movie characters break into a singing and dancing scene. The love between Farid & Geetha was cute especially when he tries to woe her. I would also agree on why they picked the actress who played Geetha because she is so pretty and acted kinda good too :)

Now for the Pro's and Con's for this movie.

1. It was good to see a multiracial love affair in this movie
2. a great concept of bringing all the characters of different races in one movie, it proves that they still believe in racial harmony.
3. Malaysian big time actors like, Rosyam Nor,Shoffi Jikan, Dato’ David Arumugam and Farid Kamil actually considered acting this movie.
4. Farid Kamil actually speaks Tamil where he would recite a poem for his girlfriend
5. The dialogues were hilarious that's i can promise you.
6. Rosyam Nor's acting was I think the funniest role that he has ever played, kudos to that.

1. The special effects done were very oblivious. it looked unreal when the men were dribbling the ball and bouncing it on their head.
2. The Indian people spoke very funny bahasa melayu, although fluent but the slang was very fake-ish, i don't know whether they really spoke like that but i found it fake.
3. Cinta Manis team manage to score up to 17 points in a very short time.
4. Some characters does unusual actions, that normal people wouldn't do. and most of them looked very awkward when talking.
5. encourages suicide when they think there is no way out of a problem.
6. The voices , music and words in the songs were quite awful.

If you guys wanna check out the trailer, here is the link :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Since I'm back at my hometown, that is the one and only Alor Star, Kedah, an awesome place to live in for the food especially. Well, Alor Star has like so many awesome food, like when u want chicken rice here, you automatically know where to go, you want ice kacang you know where to go and so many other types of food where there would specifically be a restaurant or stalls that sells them and those are the bestest.

So for today, me and my mom headed to Lai Huat Mee Kari for breakfast, Lai Huat makes the best curry mee ever, until today i haven't tasted this type of awesome curry mee anywhere yet. he has been doing this business for so many years, i guess ever since i was a kid, my mom used to take me there allot, and until today I'm still in love with his curry mee. This shop not only attracts Chinese customers but also Indians and Malays(Muslims) yeah ! you heard me right a Chinese shop with Malay customers, well its fully halal there is no pork served there whatsoever, and he hires Malay workers to. cool right !

As for the curry me it costs RM 4.00 for the small bowl and RM6.00 for the large. Its so worth every cent cause it has all sorts of ingredients in it ! don't believe me look at the picture below and devour it ;D

Look at that, they have like tons of kerang, lotsa chicken pieces , taofu, half an egg and the Meehoon Mee is filled up to the top with the crunchy bean sprouts in a delicious mouthwatering authentic curry. Doesn't it look good ??

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


People change and that's it its gonna stick that way until they change again. I know i have spoken about this before but I'm still piss at people around me being annoying jackasses. you wanna change fine, do it for the better not become a bigger arse den u already are.

Another part is where the person i hoped would never become who he is now changed, and is changing. There is obliviously no more care about what i feel, and I'm suppose to give in ?? i just don't get why would they become like that. If the relationship is getting to you then end the effing relationship ! why drag it on hurt me more and waste every one's time. I'm not even a little important to him anymore all he needs is to satisfy his father and that's all h needs so why the hell does he need a girlfriend ??? every time i end it he starts it back and gives all the false hopes and than start acting like an arse ? why ? cause he's stressed up with work. to hell with you..I'm doing things my way now, lets see how long are you gonna act like an arse ;) hah Im willing to give you time to change and im giving it to you also so lets see ehat happens, the future of us is in your hands, you decide buddy or its over :)

Anyways i stumbled upon this video clip about two couples relationship and how it came to an end, and i think its like a 100% right. You guys should watch it if you haven't and your gonna agree with it to.... this is the link,

so knock yourselves out :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Im home !

I'm now back home from K hell, been waiting to get out out there to come back to the comfort of my own home where my family is :) i got home yesterday around 7pm by bus on my own :D this was the first time ever i was taking a bus back home alone ! if i was going home alone i would usually take the train, but this time i decided to get out of my comfort zone and take a bus instead.

Well, it wasn't easy for me taking the bus alone...i had to get myself to the brand new Puduraya Station on my own, my fwen drooped me off the STAR LRT, where i actually took to the pudu station which was the wrong station apparently i was suppose to disembark at Plaza Rakyat so i took the train back to the mentioned station and got myself to the bust station in one piece with my ever so heavy hand bag and my backpack. Then i had to scratch my head to find for the ticket counter which took me 15 minutes ! but hey the station was actually pretty awesome, it kinda look like the airport waiting area. anyways after getting my ticket i had to take a bus to the DUTA Terminal which was provided by the bus company i got the tickets from, and when i got to Duta had to wait for my bus which actually arrived precisely at 12.30 pm as planned. it was a double decker bus by the way, and i got the above part of the bus, and the seat which i was given was only for me, i had no one beside me the whole way so i made myself comfy and slept off like a pig :D But the seats were small though if i were to share it with someone else so thank god for that empthy seat !

I reached at 7pm where i saw my Daddy waiting for me, so i walked okay i ran to him, gave him a big hug, then he took my bag and we walked to our car than he stopped by at a vegan restaurant and got me dinner and we all when home :)

Loving Life for now :) :) :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Morocca Rose Du Maroc.. a short perfume review

I just found out about this perfume a few weeks ago, cause Sharon gt this as her birthday present and i have been i n love the smell since den ! * yes i use her perfume n she knows it* anyways you people should try it. But i went to survey it at Body Shop, and its only sold there too cause i have never seen it anywhere else but anyways its kinda pricey for students especially. It RM 79.00 for a 50ml bottle by the way.

I know its kinda pricey for students especially BUT this its lasts a whole day even after you sweat * proven by me* so it does kinda worth the money to. another thing that you should know is that this Eau De Toilette some may find that the scent little heavy for them so yeah go check it out :)

Monday, April 18, 2011


I feel so down right now...i wanted to get lasiks eye surgery since my eye sight power is like 400 right now so i went on the net to survey this place where they are actually famous in K.L for their eye surgeries and so i emailed them about my doubts after that, and so i received my reply today fro them, well it broke my heart when the reply stated RM 2000 for per eye :( :( everyone i knew said that lasik's were now very cheap and i it really got my hopes up, but nw its all flushed down the stinky poop filled toilet bowl ! i don't know whether to be sad or furious with myself right now. its always like ! when i hope for something it never happens, i mean come on !!! its for my eyes, its not like I'm gonna spend on shopping or what so it is important to me so why wont my hope come true ??? gosh I'm sooooo mad right now !

I wasted money of those stupid contact lenses which i get seem to fet it into my freaking eye balls ! such a simple thing and i still cant do i mean how useless am i ???? i already feel like an idiot for my having hopes that gonna end up being shattered now i feel useless and stupid !

Now, i 'll look more like an idiot woth my stupid ugly spectacles, which would make my undereye black patch worse thn its aleady is.

I dont mean to be ungratefull of what i have, so to people out there whom i told this to, you dont have to tell me thta somepeople cant even see and i should be thankfull, but i am thankfull that i can still see, but i still cant barely see without my glases now so thats why i need that surgery or that stupid contact lenses.....

Friday, April 15, 2011

Exams !

Finals are so close its basically in a week and i haven't been studying much, i know I'm not studying but i just cant get myself to sit down and study...i so hate this.. I'm doing everything else but studying..i only have 2 papers this semester and I'm still not being thankfully for the extra time i have compared to my other classmates who has 3 heavy subjects....I'm still wondering if i made the right go choice of continuing my studies...I'm regretting more than being positive with my choice..but its kinds to late to turn back much money and time has been put in, my parents would go ballistic if they know I'm quitting....damn...i hope i pass :( :( I'm gonna be the only one sitting in the exam hall scratching my head or i would most probably be crying which i do allot during exams when i don't know what I'm reading... 23rd &24th my judgment day...lets see what happens

Owh ! and i posted previously about a friend of mine and how he ruined a good friendship & one of u asked what happened at the end.. well, today everything ended. We are no more on talking terms, i guess he was defiantly a drama queen, making a huge deal for nothing, being well educated and all he still cant thing is for sure I'm never going on a plane that he's flying :D ha ha anyways i do hope he finds that girl whom i know he would cz that girl would oni exist in his dreams bt its oki I'll help you hope... well there is nothing more to say noe, maybe it was for the better, as this friendship was never meant to workout, it was nice knowing you though, you were a good listener, to what ever i said and you always had something too talk about, but it doesn't matter now :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I accepted u as a friend, i made it clear from the beginning that i was already in a relationship so why in the world would wanna spoil the friendship we created by saying you have fallen for me ? you were the one that i could always talk to, we shared so many things together as friends, and nw its all over. I'm sorry if i did not make myself clear when i told u i was dating someone who i love with all my heart even before we gotta know each other so why is all this happening now... i a have lost many guy friends cause I'm with some one so now what I'm suppose to be single for the rest of my life just to have friends ??? you are so freaking educated come on don't you think ???? here goes another friend..hope you live a happy life cz I'm nt gonna speak to you no more.. Everything ends here, I'm sorry for giving you hopes i guess.. owh & thnx for everting dat u hav done for me.. take care 

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Since I was a kid I had always wanted a sister. Being in a family where I only had two brothers I always had to do what they did, until you know, to  a certain age where i actually found my own friend and before that my brothers friends were my friends too...yeapp,.. I had lotsa guy friends back then . I still remember the days when I used to pester my mom to have another baby sister, but obviously she ignored me :( i used to be so envious of my friends whom had sisters. As I was growing up, I hated it, seeing them wearing the same clothes, playing dolls & sharing stuff with each other and so on although most of them who had sisters said that having a sister are a nuisance, and that they rather have brothers, but I still didn't change my mind on having a sister.
As years passed on, I did not get the sister I wanted and so I just had to settle with the 2 buffaloes I have.
But in all honesty,  I do love my brothers as they are always there to protect me and hey, being the only girl in the family isnt do bad, i get lil more privalages than they do and ofcourse I tend to get a lil more attention from everyone else than my brothers do hah !

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Passion :)

I have started liking cooking just recently, i don't know why but i found that i feel calm and i tend to not worry when I'm cooking, it all started when i had my 3 month break, where i sat at home and was so bored that i was going through my family's heirloom, which was my great grandmother's cookbook. And i first started off with cookies which wasn't so good though, but then i tried again, and it was not bad, it was a mixture of London almond chocolate cookies and choc chip cookie, don't ask me how i did it. Anyways, i went on to try Milo jelly and it was OK to except i ruined it with lesser sugar. than i started off with cake which was an epic failure ha ha luckily i was smart enough to get the premix dough which was cheaper yet i still fail.

So i decided pastries are not my thing but dishes. i started cooking Indian dishes, then Chinese and hey all turned out gewd, and then i started doing dishes according to my taste, without a cookbook ! i feel so happy when I'm cooking, i don't worry, i don't get tensed, i have found something i love to do :)

I'm gonna go back to baking pastries now, since I'm not good at it, i would like to improve myself on that, especially doing vegan pastries, cz my parents are vegan's :) and they are gonna be my rats & but I'll start off with non-vegan fisrt and hmm i wanna try to bake macrons and then cheesecakes...will see..i would so wanna go for cooking classes now, so people if you know any in Kuala Lumpur please do tell me :)

finnals :(

Finnals is in 2 weeks ! freaking out with so many things running through my head...haih..die

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Emotional Monsoon

My parents have just gone home to Kedah,i still haven't told them anything about it. after seeing them i went home, and someone had to come threatened me to tell them, i mean come on I'm freaking 21 years old. i know your worried about me and its so sweet of you but do i still need to put my parents through this ? GOD why do you test me this way. please have mercy, and let me live my life, i think i have suffered enough. now withe them fonding out they're gonna be worried, and my parents have enough to think of already, i love them so much, so plz let me free and let them live their lives without having a burden or blaming themselves for what has happen, its not their fault. in a months time i hope it turns out okay, it doesn't need to be a perfect level, but just keep it safe ..plzzz... *fingers crossed*