Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I accepted u as a friend, i made it clear from the beginning that i was already in a relationship so why in the world would wanna spoil the friendship we created by saying you have fallen for me ? you were the one that i could always talk to, we shared so many things together as friends, and nw its all over. I'm sorry if i did not make myself clear when i told u i was dating someone who i love with all my heart even before we gotta know each other so why is all this happening now... i a have lost many guy friends cause I'm with some one so now what I'm suppose to be single for the rest of my life just to have friends ??? you are so freaking educated come on don't you think ???? here goes another friend..hope you live a happy life cz I'm nt gonna speak to you no more.. Everything ends here, I'm sorry for giving you hopes i guess.. owh & thnx for everting dat u hav done for me.. take care 

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