Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Emotional Monsoon

My parents have just gone home to Kedah,i still haven't told them anything about it. after seeing them i went home, and someone had to come threatened me to tell them, i mean come on I'm freaking 21 years old. i know your worried about me and its so sweet of you but do i still need to put my parents through this ? GOD why do you test me this way. please have mercy, and let me live my life, i think i have suffered enough. now withe them fonding out they're gonna be worried, and my parents have enough to think of already, i love them so much, so plz let me free and let them live their lives without having a burden or blaming themselves for what has happen, its not their fault. in a months time i hope it turns out okay, it doesn't need to be a perfect level, but just keep it safe ..plzzz... *fingers crossed*