Tuesday, April 26, 2011


People change and that's it its gonna stick that way until they change again. I know i have spoken about this before but I'm still piss at people around me being annoying jackasses. you wanna change fine, do it for the better not become a bigger arse den u already are.

Another part is where the person i hoped would never become who he is now changed, and is changing. There is obliviously no more care about what i feel, and I'm suppose to give in ?? i just don't get why would they become like that. If the relationship is getting to you then end the effing relationship ! why drag it on hurt me more and waste every one's time. I'm not even a little important to him anymore all he needs is to satisfy his father and that's all h needs so why the hell does he need a girlfriend ??? every time i end it he starts it back and gives all the false hopes and than start acting like an arse ? why ? cause he's stressed up with work. to hell with you..I'm doing things my way now, lets see how long are you gonna act like an arse ;) hah Im willing to give you time to change and im giving it to you also so lets see ehat happens, the future of us is in your hands, you decide buddy or its over :)

Anyways i stumbled upon this video clip about two couples relationship and how it came to an end, and i think its like a 100% right. You guys should watch it if you haven't and your gonna agree with it to.... this is the link,

so knock yourselves out :)

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